mining simulation and scheduling

Mining Simulation Software

To be successful, every mining operation must be able to manage risk and optimize production efficiency. This requires innovative planning and the use of new technology to secure mines. Model Performance Group uses the latest in simulation and scheduling technology to provide the data and advanced analytics to solve complex problems with no downtime or use of man hours or equipment.

Why Mining Operations Need Model Performance Group

Whether open pit or underground, all mines need to be safe and efficient. Through our simulations, Model Performance Group can handle the random nature of mine operations and account for the diverse variables that affect mining to provide the data mine operators need to be successful. We can help mines:

  • Evaluate risk causation factors by conducting risk analyses.
  • Re-create and test different scenarios within an interactive 3D model.
  • Optimize throughput with scheduling visibility.
  • Evaluate the performance of various material handling systems before purchasing.
  • Analyze equipment utilization rates, routing, and scheduling within the operation.
  • Receive near-real-time data into current mining operations to improve safety.
  • Evaluate the real-time effects of innovative new solutions before, during, and after implementation.

We Can Handle Difficult Operations

Mining is a dangerous operation that can present a variety of problems, including determining the efficiency of material handling systems, optimizing truck movement and hauling techniques, ensuring worker safety, and ensuring efficient scheduling. Model Performance Group provides the tools required to analyze the complex operations within a mine and provide the data operators and managers need for efficiency and profitability.

Coal mine workers in an open pit

Contact Us Today

Our goal at Model Performance Group is to improve efficiency and profitability for every client. We have vast experience within a variety of industries, including nuclear, defense, classified government, and more. Contact us today for a demo.